Friday, June 10, 2011


Okay. Now, I wanna make full post about Mssm okay? :D

 So, of course when i say full post mesti la dari beginning kan? ;) Kitorang pegi Kl pukul 9:30n like that or asdfghjkl. And dalam bas, ya Allah memang srs shit happy. Azim, Yo, Nasran and Ifan are acting crazy like yeahhhhh! Hapy bruhh. And the newbies pun dah start awesome. Like? Azrul Hisham. (Y) . Yea that crazy guy is crazy. 6 stop. last last sampai pukul 12.00 and it is awesomeeeeee.

 Kitorang tidur kat UM Kolej Kediaman Za'Ba (7) (Y) . Soooo, malam tu cikgu A.R bagi kunci sorang sorang. One room 3 orang. Soo last last aku dapat kunci which means i am the leader, but i dont really care. Sampai jee dalam bilik 206 wootwoot* kitorang nampak seekor beruk. Hell yeah we scream, HAHA it was sho fani mann yet scary bcause we dont know UM was surrounded by beruk hihi. And yes ofcourse malam tu me and the ganggstahh geng (Y) tidur lewat. Around 2-3 like dat. For? Celebration first day la konon ~~

 2nd Day - u12g lawan Pinang. Loo Shi Pei is in the Pinang team. :3 . Aku lawan doubles sebab aku mintak dengan cikgu mwehehehe. But ofcourse we lose bcause aku partner dengan asdfghjkl. Its okay takleh salahkan dia jugak en? ;D . Esokkkk pulak kitorang lawan Sarawak. Yea i won single but others lose. :(

 3rd Day? Tengok u18g main. like tots bullshit lol jk. they won oolala. But keesokan harinya diorang Perlis. mesti la kalah haha xD .4th Day? Actually nak tengok u18b main but kitorang tak main lagi diorang dah kalah sume so yeah. 5th day? Tengok u15boys lawan quarter. lawan dengan? Kuala Lumpur. So, first single Irfan lawan Jonathan Kok and of course Ifan won (Y) Doubles? Yo dengan Azim. Lawan dengan? Anas and Sheikh Ameer/beruk dekat Um. (Y) . I hate him sebab .. adalah. Hihihi but srs shit tengok muka dia pun cam nak cekik mampus masuk longkang dah okay Ili over.

 So aku ape lagi kan, sokong Kelantan bukan main bruhh. Dahla Anas ade yeahmannn biar diorang sakit hati mwahahahaha. -.- . But Yo and Azim lose sebab Azim injured. Dalam court bukan main Kelantan dengan Kl bermusuh la orang kata lololol. But bila match habis, Anas cam bagi support kat Azim. Haha pondan. -.- . Ameer pun cam asdfhjkl;l.AHHHHHH. sumpah takde mood.

 6th day? MIDVALLEY AND KLCC. haha i bought an Angry Bird for my sister. and an orange ipod touch cover hihihi. 7th day? Closing ceremony. Ahhh saddd + happyyyy = moodless. Everybody tukar jacket negeri semua. And dalam bas, cikgu Amir pesan get ready at 4AM. Maknanya kitorang balik Kelantan pukul 4 pagi. Gila takk? ;D

 But, me, Qis, Tihah and Maaah didnt sleep. Kitorang lepak from 9.00 to 3.00. awesome right? yeahh. around 2.00am like dat, aku dengan ti buat plan kacau qis and maaah. hihi. mase tu kaaaan qis suruh maaah teman dia masuk tandas kat dewan UM. and mase diorang masuk. ti lock the door. aku tutup lampu tandas. they shout like AARRRGGGHHHH. HAHA. lol. we had a one hell of a night. probably the best night of my life. tahun lepas masa kat perlis last day mesti awesome. haha :D .ILOVEEETENNIS. So, habis dah cerita. Mwehehehe. Suddenly ade mood nak buat post pasal Mssm :D.

Ouuu I met Trias once only. haha dont care. byebyeee love you kelantan team A LOT. Tahun depan Zaim, Aniq sume takde daah. Shitt -.- Klaaah buhbyee :*

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